Nowhere does the biblical story of God, the biblical narrative that identifies God for us, and upon which classical Christian theology claims to be based, say or even hint that God is “outside of time” or “timeless” or that all times are “simultaneously before the eyes of God.” Thi...
Today’s Bible Verse 12.26.24 Luke 2:28-32 Then took he him up in his arms,and blessed God, and said, Lord,now lettest thou thy servant departin peace, according to thy word:For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,which thou hast prepared before theface of all people; A light to ...
aA man once wanted to know what God wanted for his life, so he decided to close his eyes, open his Bible and read whatever verse his finger pointed to. He did this and the verse his finger landed on said, “Judas went out and hanged himself” 一个人曾经想知道什么上帝想要在他的生活...
Look up into My face and see in My eyes the love I have for you. See in My smile the delight you bring Me. Imagine My hand upon your back and feel My compassion. Now, breathe out your cares and breathe in the truth of My promises. Listen closely as I affirm: I love you ___ ...
He said: “The LORD came from Sinai and dawned upon us from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran and came with myriads of holy ones, with flaming fire at His right hand.2 Kings 6:17Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the ...
In the middle of every challenge life throws your way: May your eyes be open to see Him who is above all, who loves you with an unfathomable, endless love, and Who is with you through the fire, through the water, through the storm. (Isaiah 43:2) You are never alone. ...
For my benefit, so I could really grasp it, I rewrote this verse to read: Happy is the one who has a helper who is God and whoKNOWShe has one. Happy is the one who then counts on his helper, the one and only true God.
God opens the eyes of the blind In the New Testament, we can find many instances where Jesus heals the blind. In those days to be blind meant you were at great risk. Everywhere you turned there were dangers. Even in your own house you would be in danger of touching an open flame. ...
1.Observer has a direct connection to The Mainframe and The Void, allowing him to enhance his attacks by hundred-fold. Even allowing for a much easier time at tanking attacks with bare minimal damage. Hence the existence of The VoidFrame. ...
Each verse of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” directs our spiritual eyes toward Christ’s return by remembering his first coming, and then expressing hope, anticipation, and yearning for his second coming [2]. Our needs here in the present are also addressed as we look to him–our Emmanuel...