The majority of the chapters in this book discuss why he believes religion to be a manmade notion that has led to more trouble than anything else in the world. Most of his focus is on the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism but he does fit in criticism of ...
Sadly, the agreements with biblical creationists is sparse from here on out as Dr. Ross continues the pattern of bringing outside ideas into his biblical interpretation. The rest of chapter 20 is a summary of a book (Who was Adam?) that Dr. Ross wrote with his cohort, Fazale Rana. So...
Now, this is a nice clean little argument that shut everybody up at the time and should set us to think on our Lord in wonder. Dutch theologians Herman Witsius actually took it a bit further in his day. In his section on “glorification” in his Book III ofThe Economy of the Covenant...
President George W. Bush got involved in August 2005, arguing that science teachers should be allowed to teach both sides of the "debate."RandersonJamesEBSCO_AspNew ScientistGod on trial. The Book of Job and human suffering
when they have passed through the trial, to a better world, or detaining them still on earth for ulterior purposes.And they ought to attribute it to the spirit of these Christian times, that, contrary to the custom of war, these bloodthirsty barbarians spared them, and spared them for Chris...
The Rise of Mage Association-Book 1 In the quaint village of Silverbrook, nestled at the edge of the Enchanted Forest, lived a young and curious soul named Elara. She had always been drawn to the mystical aura that permeated the forest, but it wasn't until her 16th birthday that her mag...
Robert Ingersoll: There can be but little liberty on Earth while men worship a tyrant in Heaven. Defense: Objection! Hearsay! Prosecutor: Lew Paz’s book Pushing Ultimate’s states: Absolute power to reward and punish does not make the Judeo-Christian God any more superior to other gods, ...
Books and Arts; Book Review; Women and Islam;God-daughters; 文艺;书评;妇女和伊斯兰教;安拉与女人; A biography of two women whose lives have been transformed by militant Islam; 一本关于两个被伊斯兰激进主义改变人生的女性的传记; Wanted Women: Faith, Lies, and the War on Terror: The Lives of...
Or watch the video here on Facebook (the message starts 35 minutes into the recording). Or read the text summary below. Today is the fifth and last Sunday that we spend in John chapter 6. It has been a long and challenging 5 weeks. Next week, we go back to our journey through ...
Click here to listen to the audio recording of this 25-minute message. Orwatch the video here on Facebook(the message starts 21 minutes into the recording). Or read the text summary below. Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the...