“财神”在英语中通常说成“God of Wealth”。一起来了解一下怎么用英语说清楚大年初五的习俗吧。 正月初五迎财神 正月初五,俗称“破五”,是财神的“生日”,也是中国民间“迎财神”的日子。 People welcome back the God of Wealth on the 5th d...
Ceremonies were held Wednesday to welcome the God of Wealth as a tradition on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. (Photo by Wang Jianmin/Xinhua) Staff members in the costume of the God of Wealth interact with tourists in Zhuquan Village of Linyi City, east China's Shandong Province, ...
The fifth Day of 2026 Chinese New Year is the Welcome Home Day for the God of Wealth. The fifth lunar day is Saturday, February 21, 2026. It is the birthday of Cow and Ox.
Today, February 2nd, marks the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, a day traditionally celebrated in China as the occasion to "welcome the God of Wealth." This traditional custom, deeply rooted in Chinese culture, symbolizes people's hopes for prosperity and good fortune in the year ahead. ...
每至年末 NIKE 旗下 “Chinese New Year” 主题系列鞋款都免不了刷屏一番,不过今年一家国内球鞋店铺打造的新春鞋款也引起了不少鞋迷的热议。此番国内球鞋店铺 HANZIPRODUCT 推出了 “财神爷” 套装,该套装包含一双定制款 Air Jordan 1 和一双店铺自制鞋款 HZ001 ,目前仅有 Air Jordan 1 正式亮相。这双 “...
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In Chinese culture, the fifth day of Chinese New Year is called "Welcoming the God of Wealth Day". People believe the deity responsible for prosperity visits the world on this day. We clean homes to welcome him, set off fireworks to grab his attention, and eat symbolic foods like ...
'God of Wealth' is the mythological figure worshipped in the Chinese folk religion and Taoism. He has been identified with many historical figures, viewed as his embodied forms, among whom Zhao Gongming, Fan Li, and Bi G...
God of Wealth 财神 The God of Wealth is a Chinese deity who can bless one with luck, wealth and economic opportunities. Although worshipped throughout the year, he is especially popular during theChinese New Yearwhen the community welcomes a new year and mark the start of a new social ...
The 5th lunar day of Chinese New Year is theWelcome Day for the God of Wealth. Many families worship the God of Wealth in the early morning. After the ceremony, people explode firecrackers to invite the God of Wealth to enter the house. That's why we can keep continuously hearing the ...