The spirit of God was hovering over the water. 神的灵运行在水面上。 LASER-wikipedia2 When Pharaoh refused to let Israel leave Egypt, Moses informed him that God would turn the waters of the Nile into blood. 由于埃及的法老不肯放以色列人走,摩西就对他说,上帝会使尼罗河里的水变成血。
Anubis Ancient Egypt HD0:07 Christian Jesus Cross 4K0:09 Ai Generated Church HD1:01 Bible Glowing Hearts HD1:00 Sun Sunset Sea Heaven HD0:20 Religion Bible Candle HD0:52 Ship Candle Mockup 4K0:11 Jesus Christ God Holy HD0:16 Bible Book Read Pray 4K0:24 Greek Statue Park HD0:31 Jesus...
"IamTheLordyourGod, WhobroughtyououtofthelandofEgypt, outofthehouseofbondage. YoushallhavenoothergodsbeforeMe." (第一条:我是耶和华-你的上帝,曾将你从埃及地为奴之家领出来,除了我之外,你不可有别的神。)这第一条我觉得奇怪!上帝为什么不可以让我们有别的神?总有个原因和解释吧?不懂啊?我也信佛!
The temple of Ptahwas the biggest and most exquisite temple in Memphis. The name of the temple was “Hut-ka-Ptah,” which meant “the soul of Ptah.” In Greek, the temple was referred to as “Ai-gyp-tos” and it was from this name that the name Egypt was derived. The Egyptians c...
One of two asses he met there carried him across the water, and the grateful god placed both animals among the stars, and asses henceforth remained sacred to Dionysus.According to the common tradition, Dionysus first wandered through Egypt, where he was hospitably received by king Proteus. He...
(the Nile) makes Egypt open to boats; then, when it has been drunk up by the fields, it gives the people a fertile land to till; and in Aithiopia, where it takes its rise, a divinity is set over it as its steward, and he it is who sends forth its water at the right seasons...
As the firstborn child and son of Geb and Nut, it fell to Osiris toinherit the throneof Egypt. Seth married Nephthys and Osiris married Isis. Together, Isis and Osiris seemed to have possession of numerous powers. Their marriage was not destined to be happy, however. ...
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.Berean Standard BibleA Psalm of David, when he was in the Wilderness of Judah. O God, You are my God. Earnestly I seek You; ...
3And the people thirsted there for water, and the peoplecomplained against Moses, and said, “Whyisit you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and ourlivestock with thirst?” 4So Mosescried out to theLord, saying, “What shall I do with this people? They are...
who was considered the first king of Egypt. The pharaoh, said to be the son of Ra, was the sun-god's representative on earth. In later Egyptian religion, under the rule of Ikhnaton, the sun-god Aton gained complete supremacy in what was Egypt's only monotheistic period. In Mesopotamia...