This article contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse mythology as introduced from the God of War Norse era. Kratos (Greek: Κράτος), also known as Fárbauti (Nordic: ᚠᚨᚱᛒᚨᚢᛏᛁ), the God of War/Stríðsguð
Traje deEnterradoren laArena de Combate. Con el traje Kratos no solo adquiere la apariencia de Zeus si no que también sus habilidades tales como algo parecido a el poder emergido de elOjo de Atlantiso el desplazamiento veloz de Zeus y también las armas,Espada del OlimpoyGuantelete de Zeu...
However – This is WHY so manyEXTRA planetswere brought here as some will be moved over to3DpositiveEARTH– whom are NOT ready to ascend yet and they will have to wait another 26,000 years for the next harvest of benevolent souls and the separation of those whom are NOT ready and those...
Blade of Athena Blade of Hades Blade of Judgement Blade of Poseidon Blade of Thanatos Blade of Zeus Blades of Chaos: Ghost of Sparta Blades of Chaos: God of War Blades of Chaos: Mortal Blades of Chaos: Olympian Blades of Chaos: Spartan Blades of Chaos: Spartan General Bl...
Deimos (Greek: Δείμος) is the deuteragonist of God of War: Ghost of Sparta. He was the younger son of Zeus and Callisto, and the younger brother of Kratos. Due to his strange birthmarks, he was abducted by Ares and Athena during his childhood t