From Santa Monica Studio comes the sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018). Join Kratos and Atreus on a mythic journey for answers before Ragnarök arrives. Together, father and son must put everything on the line as they journey to each of the Nine Realms. ...
同奎托斯和阿特柔斯一起游历神秘的九界,在《God of War Ragnarok》中广结盟友,探求答案。观看游戏概览,预告片,以及更多内容。
Atreus seeks knowledge to help him understand the prophecy of “Loki” and establish his role in Ragnarök. Kratos must decide whether he will be chained by the fear of repeating his mistakes or break free of his past to be the father Atreus needs. Instruments of war The Leviathan Axe, ...
From Santa Monica Studio comes the sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018). Join Kratos and Atreus on a mythic journey for answers before Ragnarök arrives. Together, father and son must put everything on the line as they journey to each of the Nine Realms. ...
Jörmungandr: Also known as the World Serpent, this mythical creature is the last of the Jötnar and is discovered by Kratos and Atreus in the Lake of Nine in Midgard. He has a fierce hatred for Thor and the two are destined to kill each other during Ragnarok....
Santa Monica Studio從《God of War》(2018)推出後,就一直傾力在本作的開發上,很高興終於可以在此跟大家分享一點我們的心血。 我們都是各位粉絲的粉絲,所以很希望看到大家分享一切討論、繪圖、影片和角色扮演等創作。別忘了在社群媒體標註我們,或在你發布的作品上加上 #GodOfWarRagnarok 的標籤,這樣我們才看得到喔...
Santa Monica Studio 为备受好评的《God of War》(2018) 倾力推出的续作。踏上一段充满传奇色彩又触动心灵的旅行,体验奎托斯和阿特柔斯在保护与放手之间的摇摆和挣扎 - 已登陆PC。 游戏类型 动作冒险 特色 云存储单人支持手柄 DisclaimerPlayStation Network Account required, subject to the PlayStation Terms of ...
原版名称:God of War: Ragnarok 游戏类型:ARPG 游戏平台:PS4&PS5 开发商:圣莫尼卡工作室 发行公司:索尼互动娱乐 发行日期:2022年11月9日 《战神:诸神黄昏》是由圣莫尼卡工作室开发、索尼互动娱乐发行的动作冒险电子游戏,于2022年11月9日正式发售。游戏剧情承接前作《战神4》,芬布尔之冬正在肆虐。奎托斯和...
要是你玩过《God of War》(2018),大概还记得可以花费经验值来升级各种卢恩符文攻击。 该功能在《God of War Ragnarok》回归,还进一步扩大,将斯巴达之怒和古石涵盖在内。 务必前往「武器」分页,并深入了解各卢恩符文攻击、斯巴达之怒模式以及文物,以用于升级。它们各自都还有另外两种等级可解锁!