Again, a nationalistic action movie is not necessarily an impossible-to-swallow premise. For proof, just look at “The Great Wall,” an exemplary bit of pop propaganda. The makers of “God of War” weren’t nearly as inspired. Their film feels simultaneously padded, and starch-stiff, a we...
懒癌晚期,一直没做后期,加上中途遇到许多特殊情况导致最近才闲下心来弄弄.连段部分还是挺精彩的,那么~请大家慢慢欣赏。联动: av25152578God of War Combo MoviePlayer: suminVideo: SOLA, 视频播放量 224、弹幕量 0、点赞数 14、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 0、转发人数 10,
This bad movie. The movie is so boring. This name needs to be revoked because God of War is not a franchise to screw with. Report 0 xQnv Nov 19, 2022 A stolen name with a bad acting and directing Don't watch it, it's a waste of time . ...
God of War: Regie: Gordon Chan Mit Wenzhuo Zhao, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Regina Wan, Keisuke Koide Opulentes Historien Spektakel mit großartigen Kampfszenen in einem beeindruckenden Setting.
"Game Grumps" God of War - Part 6: Let's Go, Son! (TV Episode 2018) - Referenced in, Featured in, Spoofed and more...
For an in-depth look at each of the items and some of the background behind their creation, check out the unboxing video below. Now let’s look at each of the editions in turn. God of War Ragnarök – Launch Edition Items When you purchase God of War Ragnarök before launch, you ...
We’re thrilled to announce that God of War (2018) will be coming to PC onJanuary 14, 2022! All of us at Santa Monica Studio have been humbled by the immense amount of support and passions fans of the God of War series have shown in the latest chapter of Kratos’ story since its ...
Sony has dashed the hopes ofGod of Warfans by confirming they are not currently developing either a movie or TV show based on the popular action game. While a newGod of Wargame is expected to drop before the end of 2021, there have been many rumors over the past months that Sony could...
Steven S. DeKnight wants to make a God of War movie with Dave Bautista and Sony has met with him about it.
Godchecker guide to Chiyou (also known as Ch'ih-Yu), the Chinese God of Weapons from Chinese mythology. Heavy metal deity of War and Weapons