渡鴉斷崖 Cliffs of the Raven 区域 死亡小島 Isle of Death 区域 鐵灣Iron Cove 区域 被遺忘的洞穴 Forgotten Caverns 区域 光精靈基地Light Elf Outpost 区域 布里的儲物間 Buri's Storeroom 区域 石瀑布 Stone Falls 区域 維瑟嘉德 Veithurgard 区域 瞭望塔 Lookout Tower 区域 石匠水道 The Mason's 区域 遠...
【GOD OF WAR 战神4(2018) PS5 4KHDR】野林猎鹿 儿子被训 视频播放量 21、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 HZHE4N, 作者简介 浑水摸鱼青春纯情少男,相关视频:【战神:诸神黄昏 PS5 4KHDR 过场动画纯享】奎爷暴怒 海姆达尔之死,
God of War (2018) is a single-player third-person action adventure game. A god named Kratos and his son Atreus embark on a mission to spread...This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. References Goldfarb, A.: God of war PS4 release date ...
God of War (2018) is about Kratos and his son Atreus. Kratos has put his chaotic past behind many years ago and has moved to the world of the Norse Gods to have a family and to live in peace. Kratos and Atreus' intention is to honor his wife/his mom last wish to carry her ...
《God of War》(2018)將於1月15日登陸PC。為確保各位玩家都能蓄勢待發,我們已發布其PC系統要求和功能,請務必前往查看…… 超寬螢幕預告片 其中特別希望各位拭目以待的PC獨有功能,就是21:9超寬螢幕支援,玩家將能在震撼的劇院臨場感中遊玩。馬上來先睹為快: ...
God of War (2018) not only retains the brutal, high-octane combat and the focus on mythology (this time Norse mythology) but also turns the franchise into an open-linear (bloodborne inspired), narrative-driven experience, which was something I would have never expected from a God of War ...
With an over the shoulder free camera that brings the player closer to the action than ever before, fights in God of War mirror the pantheon of Norse creatures Kratos will face: grand, gritty, and grueling. A new main weapon and new abilities retain the defining spirit of God of War whil...
the former Olympian God of War, who completed his revenge against his father, Zeus, as well as all Greek Gods and Titans, now becomes a remorseful figure as he abandons his atrocious past life and now has his new son named Atreus in the years after the events of the God of War III....
原版名称 God Of War 游戏类型 动作冒险 游戏平台 PlayStation 4PC 所属系列 战神 地区 美国、日本 开发商 圣莫尼卡 发行公司 索尼互动娱乐 发行日期 2018年4月20日(PS4)2022年1月14日(PC) 制作人 Elizabeth Dahm WangSean LlewellynChad CoxEric Fong 总监 Cory Barlog 编剧 Matt Sophos、Richard Zangrande Ga...