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A Game that will Challenge Any Player The God of War series earned its reputation due to its tough gameplay and immersive storytelling, and God Of War 3 keeps up this tradition. You will have to battle against gods and titans as you guide Kratos on his mission, and will be aided in you...
New Game+ in God of War Finished Kratos’ quest? Don’t retire your axe just yet – once you complete the story campaign of God of War on any difficulty, you unlock New Game+. This mode lets you: Relive the journey of Kratos and Atreus with all of your previous armour, enchantments...
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God of War is a fantastic game. It has received critical acclaim for a good reason. It is quite hard to put down the controller once you start the main story line. It is like watching a movie, everything unfold fluidly and you want to know what comes next. It may not be for every...
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