–Freya to Kratos, forgiving him for Baldur's deathFreya (Old Norse: Freyja, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛖᛁᚨ), also known as Frigg (Old Norse: Frigga, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ), Freya Njördsdottir (Translation: Freya, Daughter of Njörd) and Nað (Nordic: ᚾᚨᛞ), is the ...
Atreus, recognized as Kratos' son in the God of War series, has a deep relationship with his father. Kratos displays affection towards Atreus, even going out of his way to spend time with him. Their relationship forms a key part of the game's narrative, with the duo frequently seen inter...
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This time, she encourages him to continue his quest by telling him what he needed to do to reach the Spire of the Fates. When Kratos finally reached her throne, she told him once again that none could change their destiny, telling him that she allowed the Gods to win the Titan War ...