God of War is a series of action games with puzzle-solving elements, set in the fictional world of Greek mythology. The games in the series are united by a common storyline and feature a recurrent...
God of War (2018) Game Story Summary “It is a new beginning for Kratos. Living as a man, outside the shadow of the gods, he seeks solitude in the unfamiliar lands of Norse mythology. With new purpose and his son at his side, Kratos must fight for survival as powerful forces threat...
"God of War: Betrayal" can engage players in a wide assortment of battles including combo attacks, freezing enemies and summoning the Army of Hades to unleash the fury of the underworld.EBSCO_bspMultimedia Publisher
Betrayal was a particularly unique entry in the God of War series because it would become the first title to be released for a non-PlayStation platform. The third installment of the franchise was launched specifically for mobile phones that supported the Java Platform, Micro Edition. Because the...
This article contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse mythology as introduced from the God of War Norse era. Kratos (Greek: Κράτος), also known as Fárbauti (Nordic: ᚠᚨᚱᛒᚨᚢᛏᛁ), the God of War/Stríðsguð
Starting with the release of God of War in 2005 on PlayStation 2, Santa Monica Studio has created seven games across multiple platforms up to the most recent release in 2018. Now comes the sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018), God of War Ragnarök. Join Kratos and Atreu...
All God of War games ranked and rated - What are the best God of War games? In the pantheon of popular PlayStation intellectual properties, God of War occupi...
God of War is particularly dear to my heart. Having only skipped portable/mobile games (Betrayal, Chains of Olympus, Ghost of Sparta), every God of War release was for me the biggest argument for owning a new Playstation...Read Full Review ...
How do you follow up on one of the greatest video games of all time? Sony Santa Monica finds itself in a situation not dissimilar to when Francis Ford Coppola created the sequel to his mob movie masterpiece, The Godfather. Like part two of the Corleone story, God of War Ragnarok puts ...
God of War: Betrayal was released for the mobile phone in 2007 and takes place immediately after the first installment. In 2008, a prequel to God of War, God of War: Chains of Olympus, was released on the PlayStation Portable. God of War III is currently in development for the Play...