《战神》(God of War 2018)原声带的官方歌词并未释出,目前只由音乐制作人 Bear McCreary 在个人 Blog 和圣莫妮卡工作室官网放出了主题曲《God of War》的官方歌词与对照英译——或者说,英语歌词初稿(比如圣莫妮卡编剧 Matt Sophos 会根据实时游戏内容,为合唱团和 Bear 提供作为歌词的文本)、古北欧语二稿与冰岛...
Bear McCreary 关于创作配乐的 Blog:https://www.bearmccreary.com/#blog/blog/video-games/god-of-war/; Reddit 社群用户 Thorsharmer 与用户 TRAIANVS 提供的歌词;TRAIANVS 声称自己是 Schola Cantorum 男低音之一,并根据合唱笔记对照整理出《Memories of Mother》《Lullaby of Giants》《Dragon》《To Reach Your...
Bringing back the ridiculous sense of scale the series has always been known for would be a welcome change in the next God of War game.
2022 Facebook Twitter RedditSIE Santa Monica is keeping things close to the vest with the upcoming God of War Ragnarok, just as it did with the 2018 title, but even from the limited footage that the developer has chosen to publicly show thus far, it’s clear that Ragnarok is going to ...
Though God of War: Ragnarok is technically superior to its predecessor in every way, it lacks the advantage of being subversive. If God of War was revolution,
Reddit user Kdoggdracul has shared an amazing digital painting of Kratos fromGod of War: Ragnarok. Although not confirmed on the post, the image is inspired by his slightly updated look inGod of War: Ragnarok. In some portions of the trailer for the sequel, Kratos can be seen wearing a ...
Following rumors, God of War Ragnarok will be officially making its way onto PC as confirmed during the most recent...
A ThinkGeek / GameStop creation & exclusive in North America TOTAKU God of War Kratos & Atreus Figuresare $9.99 each exclusively at Think Geek. FiguresGod of WarThinkGeek.com Share.FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInRedditWhatsAppTelegramEmail
Reddit user TurfMerkin has created an incredible mockup of what a potentialGod of WarandHorizon Forbidden Westmockup could look like. In their post to theGod of Warsubreddit, TurfMerkin shows off a render of a shadowy (and slightly bloody) Aloy garbed in Kratos' attire fromGod of War, ...
Kratos is still Big Mad, but he's really trying to be a good dad in God of War Ragnarök. Our review.