God of War: Regie: Gordon Chan Mit Wenzhuo Zhao, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Regina Wan, Keisuke Koide Opulentes Historien Spektakel mit großartigen Kampfszenen in einem beeindruckenden Setting.
上映时间2017年05月27日(内地)导演 陈嘉上 又名战神戚继光 荡寇 God of War 编剧 陈嘉上熊召政 主演 赵文卓洪金宝万茜小出惠介仓田保昭 剧情 影片讲述了一代名将戚继光南征倭寇还沿海太平的传奇故事,明中期嘉靖年间,地方官府腐败、明兵军心... 导赏 《荡寇风云》是一部将动作与历史完美融合的佳作,讲述了家喻...
Again, a nationalistic action movie is not necessarily an impossible-to-swallow premise. For proof, just look at “The Great Wall,” an exemplary bit of pop propaganda. The makers of “God of War” weren’t nearly as inspired. Their film feels simultaneously padded, and starch-stiff, a we...
1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Cgxy9JzkA Witness a smidgeon, a sliver, of the unflinching, intense, brutal, and often empowering new combat in God of War. The impact of every attack you connect feels like it has a titanic ton of energized force behind ...
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The control scheme reminds me of Gears of War (from XBOX 360)—as-far-as the vantage point over-the-shoulder look. In any case, I quite prefer that to the old God of War/ Dante's Inferno vista camera angle. Agree0Disagree1
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