從PlayStation 官方網站獲得 PS4 主機版動作遊戲《God of War》。探索《God of War》遊戲詳情、圖像、影片、遊玩心得與更多內容。立即購買。
Победы «God of War Рагнарёк» на Game Awards 2022: Лучшийсюжет Лучшийприключенческийбоевик Лучшаяактерскаяигра (КристоферДжадж) Лучшийсаундтрекимузык...
Subscribe to PlayStation Plus Extra to access this game and hundreds more in the Game Catalogue 1 player Strong Themes, Violence Editions: God of War™ $24.95 God of War™ Digital Deluxe Edition $39.95 God of War Comic Book 1 Free ...
With an over the shoulder camera that brings the player closer to the action than ever before, fights in God of War™ mirror the pantheon of Norse creatures Kratos will face: grand, gritty and grueling. A new main weapon and new abilities retain the defining spirit of the God of War se...
Video Game Platform:PlayStation 4 Edition:Standard Edition About this item God of War, Santa Monica Studio, PlayStation 4, [Physical Edition], 711719506133, Refurbished A New Beginning His vengeance against the gods of Olympus far behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the lands of Norse ...
1 player Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language Editions: Standard Edition $19.99 Digital Deluxe Edition God of War PS4™ Dynamic Theme “Exile’s Guardian” Shield Skin “Death’s Vow” Armor for Kratos “Death’s Vow” Armor for Atreus ...
As the world around them inches closer to the threat of ruin, the pair find themselves faced with a choice: between their own safety or the safety of the realms… All the while, Asgardian forces prepare for war… Your browser does not support HTML5 video. God of War Ragnarök Play Tr...
為了慶祝《God of War》(2018)發售五週年,我們希望帶大家深入瞭解對戰巴德爾這場白熱化頭目戰的幕後祕辛。 小心,後文有《God of War》(2018)的重大劇透! 對不起,您並未符合本內容的年齡限制。 陌生(人)的開篇 陌生人(後來得知他是巴德爾)是玩家見到克雷多斯和阿特柔斯之後遇到的第一個角色。他帶著某種目的而...
All of us at Santa Monica Studio have been humbled by the immense amount of support and passions fans of the God of War series have shown in the latest chapter of Kratos’ story since its release. As of August 2021, 19.5MM copies for God of War on PlayStation 4 have been sold through...
請務必追蹤Santa Monica Studio的Twitter、Instagram和Facebook,掌握《God of War》PC版的最新消息。 若要購買《God of War》PC版,請前往Steam 和Epic Game Store。 *需具備存取PlayStation Network的帳戶 ※遊戲內容及推出日期可能根據不同地區/國家而有所調整。