God of War: Regie: Gordon Chan Mit Wenzhuo Zhao, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Regina Wan, Keisuke Koide Opulentes Historien Spektakel mit großartigen Kampfszenen in einem beeindruckenden Setting.
战神God of War的评论。战神1是一款角色扮演类的动作游戏,这部作品含有丰富的剧情和大量的动作镜头,可以让玩家体验到游戏爽快的操作感,而且游戏中精细的画面对玩家来说是一场视觉盛宴。 刚开始的武器是双刀,类似带火的双截棍的用法...
Realistically, the all-talk-and-precious-little-action approach that the makers of “God of War” adopted could have worked. There’s nothing theoretically wrong with an action movie that tries to make you appreciate the lengths that its characters go to before they get to fighting. But “God...
God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla: Regia di Mihir Sheth, Bruno Velazquez. Con Christopher Judge, Danielle Bisutti, Alastair Duncan, Ben Prendergast. After the events of Ragnarök, Kratos sees a path for himself he never thought possible.In this DLC epil
God of War- The Masterpiece of this Generation A common term that has been bouncing around Game developers of late has been that single player games are dead and that multiplayer games are the way of the future due to their popularity. God of War came to blow that statement out of the ...
See all filmmakers & crew (1) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about God of War: Betrayal. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Status EditReleased Updated2007-6-20 Release date 六月20, 2007(United States) Contacts ...
a disgrace to the god of war franchise!! Absolutely 0 redeeming qualities!! the best thing that can be said about this movie is that if you search for god of war, you will find the ps4 game, one of the best games of all time. Horrible terrible cheesy awkard bad abysmal movie!!
战神3 重制版 God of War III Remastered的评论。为了补一下前作剧情,把战神3重制版这部老游戏通了。实际体验与游玩前想象中的纯ACT游戏还挺不一样的,全流程下来个人感觉战斗、解密和剧情演出这三个部分的占比并没有偏向哪一方的倾向,因此抱着爽玩战斗心态入...
Freya (Old Norse: Freyja, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛖᛁᚨ), also known as Frigg (Old Norse: Frigga, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ), Freya Njördsdottir (Translation: Freya, Daughter of Njörd) and Nað (Nordic: ᚾᚨᛞ), is the Vanir Goddess of Love, Beauty, War, Death, Magic,...
a disgrace to the god of war franchise!! Absolutely 0 redeeming qualities!! the best thing that can be said about this movie is that if you search for god of war, you will find the ps4 game, one of the best games of all time. Horrible terrible cheesy awkard bad abysmal movie!!