Free Essay: God of the sea in Greek mythology and agitator of the earth (earthquakes).Poseidon's parents were Cronos and Rea (queen of the universe and...
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beasts and beautiful women. These stories are all tied together and linked into one magnificent piece of history. Greek mythology belongs to one of the widest known mythologies around the world. The reason why it stood out is because the Greeks had an enormous amount of stories, so greatly...
Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, was one of the most powerful of all of the gods in Greek mythology. He was one of the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses who held court on Mount Olympus - the mountain of the gods. Poseidon is the son of Cronos and Rhea, and brother to Zeus, Hades, ...
Poseidon (The God of the Seas) This article contains lore based on real-life sources of the Greek mythology as introduced from the God of War Greek era.PoseidonCurrent Alternate Biographical Information Title(s) God of the Seas God of the Oceans God of Water God of Storms God of Tempests...
With a label such as "God of the Sea," it's difficult not to gain an interest in such a tale. The tale being of a Greek God who is commonly known as Poseidon. Now, like stated before, Poseidon is a well known Greek mythology character, but he holds many different titles due to ...
Oceanus, in Greek mythology, the river that flowed around the Earth (conceived as flat), for example, in the shield of Achilles described in Homer’s Iliad, Book XVIII. Beyond it, to the west, were the sunless land of the Cimmerii, the country of dreams,
Poseidon was the ancient Greek god of the sea, rivers, floods and drought, earthquakes, and horses. He was depicted as a mature man with a sturdy build and dark beard holding a trident (a three-pronged fisherman's spear). His Roman name was Neptune.
Greek God Also known as OkeanosThe Titanic Oceans of the WorldOne of the Titans. Married to his sister Tethys, he’s the Father of River Gods and various other deities of importance, including Metis the first wife of Zeus and many more. He also has the Oceanids and Potamoi to help ...
In Greek mythology Oceanus was the primordial Titan god of the great, earth-encircling River Ocean, font of all of the earth's fresh-water - rivers, wells, springs and rain-clouds. He was also the god who regulated the heavenly bodies which rose from and