Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean?
1 of 2 noun ˈgäd alsoˈgȯd pluralgods Synonyms ofgod 1 God:the supreme or ultimate reality: such as a :the being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe ...
Summary of Hinduism Summary of Islam Summary of Jehovah's Witness Summary of Judaism Summary of Masonry Summary of Mormonism Summary of New Age Religion Summary of Protestant Beliefs Summary of Scientology The Culture War Video The Meaning of Life Video The Occult Video* The Road to Heaven The ...
Ask an athlete who has won a gold medal in a running race or ask a candidate who hassecured the first rank in an exam or ask poor father about how he earns money so that his family can have a good standard of living. The answers you get will reassure you about this phrase “God ...
the god of warRoman/Greek etc godZeus was one of the most well-known Greek gods.3→God’s gift to somebody/something4[countable]someone who isadmiredvery muchTo his fans he is a god.5[countable]something which you give too muchimportanceorrespecttoMoney became his god.6→the gods7→God...
derive inspirat ion in a language t hat it can underst and and int erpret , t he Saguna Brahman, I swara in t he form of various manifest at ions became t he obj ect of devot ion and personal Brahman the highest God of Hinduism in Hindu scriptures ...
Hindu extremists that Indians ought to be Hindu—and any faith outside of Hinduism is not welcome in India. This mindset has led to violent attacks across the country and impunity for the people who perpetrate this violence, especially in places where the authorities are also Hindu...
The removal of untouchability is a question of the purification of Hinduism. —Mahatma Gandhi 86 In terms of cultural upbringing, I'd be at the temple at the weekend - I'm a Hindu - but I'd also be at the Saints game as well on a Saturday - you do everything, you do both. —...
pray to GodThey prayed to God for forgiveness.worship God(=show love and respect for God)Hinduism tells everyone to worship God in his own faith.praise GodThey came to the church to praise God.God existsI believe that God exists.phrasesbelief/faith in GodAbout one-third of the population ...
(128); and, (3) finally, that both the Anabaptist "separationist view of Church/culture relations" (129) and the radical reformers' belief in the "literal interpretation of the written Word of God" (129) led to their view that lending money at interest is immoral, unjust, and ...