In truth, “The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things” [4]. May we rediscover the wonder of God’s deeds in evidence all around us, and respond with gratitude and praise. He is the One who’s taught me since my youth (v...
in churches, in the midst of the people of God. We read this in John 18:20, where, before the high priest, Jesus says, “I always taught in the synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.” Here is Jesus affirming that ...
The songs I’d like you to hear are SOLITARY PREACHER MAN about the ministry of Jesus Christ, and WALK ON WATER a Christian love story woven into a recounting of Christ’s miracles: recorded in our own studio. I can provide MP3s or CDs. Would love to share our music! Thanks Robert ...
The Bible only gives us a few quick glimpses of what’s to come, but they stagger the imagination: twelve gates, each made from a single pearl, streets of gold as pure as transparent glass, and walls made of precious stones. A river as clear as crystal runs down from God’s throne a...
He chose silence over retaliation or humiliation. Even when those He loved—whom He taught, healed, and performed miracles for—cried out, “Crucify Him,” His heart remained full of love. He never regretted His mission nor turned back from the plan of redemption. He endured humiliation and ...
that is very similar to The Passion of the Christ. It tells the story of Jesus, and the violence done to Him is vividly represented. But this serious production also presents Jesus as a man who smiled and expressed such joy when the miracles were performed and in times with His disciples...
Free Bible Studies: Topical Index Series 1: History of Jesus Christ Series 2: Life of Jesus Christ Series 3: Jesus On the Cross Series 4: Parables Of Jesus Series 5: Laws of Christ Series 6: Miracles of Jesus Series 7: Enemies of Christ ...
If you need some extra reassurance today, find hope in His powerful name. He is the God of miracles and nothing is impossible for Him. He split the seas, and delivered His people straight through, away from all their enemies. He offered His protection through desert days and lovingly led ...
Give her an unmovable faith in you as you show her you ARE the God of Miracles. November 23, 2021 Reply Jennifer O Sullivan Hi Brighitt it may sound strange but maybe your trying to hard to heal yourself with God’s word etc, maybe just take it easy each morning and night ask ...
First, they automatically rejected any saying of Jesus that involved a miracle. They simply rejected that miracles could happen therefore Jesus could not have said those things. Talk about a bias! That doesn’t even allow for the possibility that Jesus believed a miracle happened but was self-...