In Greek mythology Achelous was a River-God of Aetolia in central Greece. As the god of the largest river in the region, he was often described as the god of fresh-water in general. Achelous once contested with Heracles for the hand of the Aetolian princ
Atreus (Greek: Ἀτρεύς) / Loki (Nordic: ᛚᛟᚲᛁ) also known as Loki Laufeyson (Translation: Loki, son of Laufey), is the Norse God of Mischief and the Champion of the Jötnar. He is the deuteragonist of God of War (2018) and one of the two protagonists of ...
Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine. He was the son of Apollon and the Triccaean princess Coronis. His mother died in labour and when she was laid out on the pyre, Apollon cut the unborn child from her womb. Asclepius was raised by the centau
Greek folktales tell of goblins in the underworld who try to cut the roots of the tree that is holding up the earth and the sky. Norse legends contain a similar image with an evil serpent forever gnawing at Yggdrasill's roots. The mythology of early India, preserved in texts called the...
Poseidon (Greek: Ποσειδῶν) was the Olympian God of the Seas, Rivers, Water, Storms, Tempests, Winds, Hurricanes, Rain, Floods, Drought, Earthquakes and Horses. Son of the Titans Cronos and Rhea, Poseidon was most notoriously known as the powerful brother of Zeus and Hades as ...
Hermes is an Olympian god regarded as the gods' messenger in Greek mythology. He is also honored as the protector of human heralds, merchants, orators, and thieves. Click for PDF and Google Slides worksheets.
Amphiaraus(Amphiaraus):oneofthemostfamousprophet,attack, worship. AnFeiweng(Amphion):thesonofJose,whobuiltthepalaceof Aphroditewiththemagicoftheharp. AnderLoma(Andromache):HectorL'swife,famousforher husband'saffection. AnttiRoukkos(Antilochus):oneoftheGreekgeneralswho ...
Starting with the release of God of War in 2005 on PlayStation®2, Santa Monica Studio has created seven games across multiple platforms. Up to the most recent release in 2018, the franchise focused on Kratos’ journey in the Greek world
Hesiod, Theogony 444 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) : "She [Hekate] is good in the byre with Hermes to increase the stock.The droves of kine and wide herds of goats and flocks of fleecy sheep, if she will, she increases from a few, or makes many to...
Helius was the ancient Greek Titan-god of the sun who presided over the various facets of the heavenly body, from the measurement and divisions of the day, year and the seasons, to the powers of heat and fire, and the gift of sight. This page contains de