Names for God In the Old Testament various names for God are used. YHWH is the most celebrated of these; the Hebrews considered the name ineffable and, in reading, substituted the nameAdonai[my Lord]. The ineffable name, or tetragrammaton [Gr.,=four-letter form], is of unknown origin;...
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16,17). For the L...
God manned the grill and served His children burgers and hotdogs. After handing Hanjobadiel a hotdog, He noticed Lucifer and Amenadiel finally arrive and waved to them. He then returned to serving His children. When Lucifer and Amenadiel approached Him, He welcomed them to His retirement ...
{There are also other forms of Wicca, called Dianic Wicca or by other names}. This example exonerates the male gender from participation in the founding of our religion/Sisterhood, pointing out that gender alone is not the criteria for establishing us. We have many men that have helped formed...
- They were barking at each other like rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1] Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians. They are very highly corrupted. Also, Trinity is a lie from ...
A fatherless never-married woman dedicated to God would seek out a male guardian for leadership and guidance. If you don’t see it that way your perspective has become Feminist. God gave men dominion over the earth, and so naturally Satan wants to take that dominion away from men and set...
{This is my ticket for him to take me seriously.} I try to remember names, don’t recall all of them. I stumble to recall. But I mention one female, like an Aunt, & he is so stimulated the blood appears in his face – he knows I’m FOR REAL, that I actually met his ...
full facility for sense enjoyment like the dogs and hogs without any sense of morality. As we have already stated that moral quality has no value if it is devoid of the relation of the Lord. A dog is sometimes called moral animal because it is very faithful to its master. But that ...
Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth; Asclepius the physician god, Enyalios the war god and Enyo’s consort; Hecate, three-faced, lithe virgin in a short robe, goddess of the night, holding torches, accompanied by barking dogs, present on Persephone’s journey to Hades and from there to ...
I have to compete with our dogs for a handful of the sweet lovely fruit Ximenia caffra –Sour plum, Wild plum, Monkey plum (Afrikaans – Suurpruim) The ripe fruit of the Sour plum is very rich in vitamin C, it is not called sour without a reason! It is said to be high in potassi...