在打开任务视图的上下文菜单中,查看新的God Mode选项。在桌面背景图像的某个地方右键点击,并选择“显示更多选项”。然后选择God Mod来打开任务视图窗口。您可以从那里打开多个控制面板小程序。如果您曾改变主意想要在God Mode上下文菜单选项中添加内容,请再次在注册表编辑器中打开Shell键。然后右键点击您添加的God Mode...
在Windows里,总有一些隐藏的功能等待着我们去发现,而“上帝模式”(God Mode)便是其中之一。虽然名字听起来有些夸张,但它确实为用户提供了一个集中访问大量系统设置的便捷途径。上帝模式并不是Windows 11独有的。实际上,它是从之前的Windows版本中延续下来的一个鲜为人知的功能。通过上帝模式,你可以打开操作系...
On this matter, however, there are a few settings that you cannot get to in Windows 11 using the God Mode folder. For instance, there is a new feature in Windows 11 where you can disable the network adapters by accessing theAdvanced network settingsfrom theNetwork & Internetmenu inSettings....
What if you're able to access various settings, administrative tools, and whatever options available in Windows 11 right from one folder? It would be great,
How to set up God Mode in Windows 11 1. Check your account First, make sure you're signed into your Windows 11 PC with an account that has administrative privileges. By default, your own account should have the necessary rights. To confirm this, go to Settings, select the category for ...
God Mode is a feature in Windows 11 that provides quick access to all of the operating system's settings and configuration options in a single folder. It is not a built-in feature of Windows, but rather a custom folder that can be created by the user. The folder, once created, contains...
Windows 11 24H2 God Mode 上帝模式启用教学 Microsoft 致力减少对控制台的依赖。 Windows 11 24H2 大规模将控制台功能和选项迁移至「设置」应用程序。 然而,「上帝模式」God Mode 在 Windows 11 24H2 中仍可使用。 什么是“上帝模式”? 「上帝模式」是电脑所有实用设置的集合。 用户可以直接通过这个列表,而无...
GodMode 只是一个隐藏的控制面板,包含有关 Windows 配置选项和设置的所有内容,所有这些都集中在一个地方,以及在普通控制面板中不容易找到的附加功能。此方法将启用或禁用此功能。启用,直接在用户桌面上创建上帝模式窗口的快捷方式。禁用,删除?此快捷方式即可。
Here's how to open God Mode in Windows 11, create a shortcut for it, or add it to the context menu. Also in this post, we will review what is the God mode
Here's how to enable God Mode in Windows 10 and 11 to access more than 200 tools and settings in one place.