In Windows 11, you will find plenty of "God Mode" system folders. Some of them the user can access with a special command like shell:Friendly Name. A good example of such command is shell:Start menu, which we used in this post. ...
How to set up God Mode in Windows 11 1. Check your account First, make sure you're signed into your Windows 11 PC with an account that has administrative privileges. By default, your own account should have the necessary rights. To confirm this, go to Settings, select the category for ...
Mode可以创建在桌面上、C盘中、任意文件夹内,总之方便自己使用就好,从这一个窗口中,你就可以轻松完成各项设置。 “上帝模式”的原理: 其实,God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}的奥秘,不在“God Mode”(可以改为任何Name)而在“ .”后的函数指令:通过这条指令即可调用Windows 7内置的有关功能选项。
上帝模式,即"God Mode”,或称为“完全控制面板”。是Windows 系统中隐藏的一个简单的文件夹窗口,但包含了几乎所有Windows系统的设置,如控制面板的功能、界面个性化、辅助功能选项等方方面面的控制设置,用户只需通过这一个窗口就能实现所有的操控,而不必再去为调整一个小小的系统设置细想半天究竟该在什么地方去打开设...
command that tells Windows to go fetch a specific service on your computer. So, why not use an app that digs through Windows, finds the shortcut command that opens the Windows Update troubleshooter, and then creates a shortcut that you can place on the desktop or within a file and can ...
Object equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Constructor Details GodModeCommand public GodModeCommand(String username, String userAccessLevel, String command, UdpConnection connection)
Super God Mode is a script that scans and creates shortcuts to settings and features already available on Windows 11. Once you run the script, it’ll create several folders, organizing all the shortcuts using different categories. It doesn’t require installation and doesn’t change any system...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\GodMode]@="上帝模式""Icon"="control.exe"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\GodMode\command]@="explorer shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"保存成reg导入就有,,好像没什么大用处,,还是习惯控制面板 5B...
Creates shortcuts to virtually every special location or action built into Windows - Windows-Super-God-Mode/SuperGodMode-EasyLauncher.bat at main · progray/Windows-Super-God-Mode