Just as our granddaughter in the first picture needed something bigger to cover her, we need something bigger than bank accounts, a few casual friends, and state-of-the-art alarm systems to coverus. In addition, we face a number of monumental problems in America that leave all of us great...
Neither the powers of Rome nor the priests of the Jewish people received an invitation to the birthplace of the King of kings. Instead, angels delivered the news of the Messiah’s birth to scruffy shepherds and told them where Christ could be found. Often it is the lowly who are the bene...
1. **Grace-Filled Growth**: God understands our limitations and meets us where we are. Our spiritual journey is more about transformation and growth than about arriving at a state of perfect understanding. Embracing grace means accepting our imperfections and those of others. 2. **Personal Jour...
Awaken us to the Father’s love and purposes again. Move us past seeking you for selfish gain, to surrendering all that we are, to all that you are! Give us heavenly perspectives, and courage to move as you move, and speak as you speak. Move us past comfortable and passive Christianity...
However, God meets us in exactly those places. When we walk closely with Him and do precisely what He commands us, He does the rest. God met Noah, provided the means and skills to build a gigantic ark, directed the animals to him, brought the flood, dispersed the water after over a ...
Fear!Sans Meets Tanphrous/Sans.EXE Scourging and Purging (A Tanphrous/Sans.EXE Story) Personality[] Tanphrous is a Psychopathic, Diabolical and Malevolent beast who has all the makings of a Purely Evil being, he also has become obsessed with judging worlds too see if they are worthy of...
When an answer to prayer is not quick in coming we often find ourselves focusing on the prayer itself and on the answer we desire to that prayer. While we know it’s good to be positive, and we know God will answer in His time, we need to wait on Him, the one who meets all our...
making Sarah intensely jealous and Sarah mistreats her. Pregnant Hagar runs away into the wilderness around Beersheba, trying to find her way home to Egypt. There the Angel of the Lord meets her, tells her about her son Ishmael to be born, and directs her to return and submit to her mis...
Comp. 2Kings 2:9, where Elisha prays for "a double portion," or, more exactly, a portion of two--the portion of the first-born son (Deuteronomy 21:17)--of the spirit of Elijah. The same thought meets us in St. Paul (himself a pupil of Gamaliel), who speaks of "the self-same...
We just have to show those around us, who don’t have the love of Christ in their heart, that we are different. Christians are no better than anyone else walking the face of this earth. We should humble ourselves in all situations to show God’s love for others, where it would be ...