Scripture includes numerous passages that remind us what is true about God and what he thinks about us, passages that encourage and affirm our own spirits, equipping us to share the same with others. Here are several verses and assurances to get us started. I pray you find affirmation and e...
19We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came ...
Pastors and churches that want to be large often cater to this mentality. They give up biblical preaching. They only speak to felt needs. They rarely talk about sin, judgment, the marriage of Christianity and politics, or anything that might make a person feel uncomfortable. Since people do...
Then some of us have prodigals. Those who have walked away from the fold. Distanced themselves from family because of their lifestyle choices or just walked from the family of faith they once knew. That, right there, can make Mother’s Day just a bit uncomfortable and more difficult to f...
This blog post is an invitation to you to invent God, and then tell me about this God in the comments below.If you are uncomfortable sharing what you write, feel free to leave an anonymous comment. This is a practice I have occasionally done in small groups of people, but I am interes...
when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son asking in agonizing pathos: “Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?”; when you take a cross-country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because...
They may be uncomfortable. And we pray that they do not tear us apart. But they are not fundamentally wrong or bad. After all, Jesus himself says, “I came to bring division”. But towards the end of this passage, Jesus makes some important points about divisive issues in the Christian...
I will admit that today this is NOT the piece of scripture I want to focus on. Why do you ask? Because I’m in a bad mood. Two weeks ago I was sitting on the beach at South Padre, playing with my dog in the ocean. And today I’m watching the icicles fall off our RV. All ...
If you had told me even just 16 months ago that I would be standing where the first missionaries arrived and brought the gospel to the Acholi people in 1903, reading this Scripture at my own ordination, I would have scoffed and laughed in your face. But…nothing is impossible for the Lor...
“Marriage is not a reward and singleness is not a punishment”. Not everyone wants to be married, not everyone wants to be single. But whatever season you find yourself in, don’t lose focus on who you are and what makes you happy with or without someone in your life. ...