That’s good news too, because “there is no perfect life, no perfect job, no perfect childhood, no perfect marriage, and no set of people who always do what we expect them to do. “What we do have is a perfect God who is able to lead us through this imperfect life with unfailing...
They follow God for what seems like a second and then turn away and disobey. Then God sends a prophet to speak to Kings and to the people. Sometimes the prophets break through and repentance happens but more often than not, they don’t. Most of the book of Isaiah he’s warning them ...
Second, God uses other nations to discipline Israel through the First Testament. The people Israel turn away from God towards other gods; God sends enemy forces to disrupt Israel; Israel repents and turns back to God; peace between God and Israel is restored. This is a pattern repeated over...
1 John 4:8 describes one of God’s primary attributes as love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Here are several key implications that this attribute of God has for believers today.
and blamed him for her grief, as the marriage to Odin was his idea, and not only did it fail to create peace, it made the divide between the Aesir and Vanir even stronger, and forced Freya to live a lonely life in exile for many winters, hated both by her son and her own people...
I have a couple of friends who fear being hurt. They have chosen not to love, and in doing so have cut themselves off from so many who love them. They believe they are happy and don’t need love from others. I find their choice to be a very sad and lonely one. ...
Being free from disease is our point of concentration today. God wants His people well and whole. That means you! Has that realization set in? Did you also know that there are multiple ways or methods by which you can receive? God the Father, God the ultimate Father wants YOU free from...
GOD:Ministering to you in these ways has been My delight, ___. I do love to see you practicing My presence—asking for My help and connecting with Me through praise and prayer. As you draw near to Me, you experience wonder, quiet, calm, and warmth. ME:Thank you...
The second part of the article will discuss pain and suffering through a human–divine (man–God) connection, and in this connection, there are easy, difficult, and formidable aspects. Pain and suffering belong to the difficult, if not impossible aspects. Suffering requires an internal effort, ...
This “wanting himself to be God and not letting God be God” is manifested in a theological attitude that makes man proud. This attitude is that of a scholastic “theology of glory” which claims to say id quod res est (what the matter actually is) without first going to the cross, ...