He calls them all by name;Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power,Not one of them is missing. Amos 4:13 Verse Concepts For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the windAnd declares to man what are His thoughts,He who makes dawn into darknessAnd ...
Christ proved to be the victoriousOVERCOMER,no matter what the world hurled at him (John 16:33): everytemptation, every discouragement, every setback, and more. And though we could never measure up to his perfections, he makesusvictorious overcomers too (Romans 8:37). Victory begins with th...
"Never really did understand what the reason everyone makes their creations stupidly powerful was. As powerful as I may seem, I'm far from my full potential, everyone has room to improve and grow, even when they think they've reached their peak. That's why you have to keep growing beyon...
To write them on our heart makes them become part of who we are. Don’t let your past or your flesh to define you anymore. Choose these instead. It’s never too late to redefine the things that define you. Photo by The Drink on Unsplash Leave a comment Filed under Uncategorized ...
There is no easy answer. I am glad that I left the Vigil though after talking with my friend who made me laugh. Letting go makes us weep but if there is one lesson I have learned in these past three years it is that I am a stronger person who knows better what I can endure. I...
And God makes the beast of the earth after its kind, and the livestock after their kind, and every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, and God sees that [it is] good.Young's Literal Translation And God maketh the beast of the earth after its kind, and the cattle after ...
I read once in a daily devotional book by Susie Larson that God doesn’t make things nice, He makes things new. How right she is. Thank you, Susie, I needed to read that. Resting in God is the key to letting Him do what He has planned. Don’t take the burden back up and carry...
God makes all things beautiful in time. He is working all things together for good, and we will rejoice in time to come, but for now we need to enjoy the moment we’ve been given. We serve a God who is big enough, and good enough, to make the uncomfortable comfortable. When you ...
Jesus makes it possible for us to move from living death to deathless life[3]. 3. God’s grace nourishes and invigorates our spirits (John 7:38). He uses many means to soak his truth into the depths of our hearts, providing refreshment, renewal, and encouragement. One primary example:...
Repetition:When you see someone in the kitchen mixing ingredients this week, why not say your verse out loud and thank the Lord that He takes even the bad things and makes them work out for your good! Now lets put some music to this verse!We know that all things, Work together for go...