Religious Viewpoint; Good gifts are from GodTinsley, Gigi
GOD'S GOOD GIFTS TO MAN 【译】神给人类的好礼物 At the time when Jehovah made earth and heaven, no trees or plants grew on the earth, for Jehovah had not yet sent the rain; and there was no man to till the soil; but a mist rose from the earth and watered the ground.【译】Jehov...
His mom and dad knew just what he longed for and delighted in giving it to him. I felt like God whispered to my heart – That’s how I think. I forget that sometimes. That God loves giving good gifts. And not just random good gifts but gifts that matter to our heart. In this se...
See these are the reactions to our life situations without any second thoughts when we let the devil have his way. The devil loves his job of stealing, lying and tearing down one’s life. He succeeds when he has easy access to our minds. Imagine a house without a lock or an unlocked...
What a blessing to be at church to worship God with my brothers and sisters, sharing our love one for another. Do you treasure this opportunity? If you no longer attend church, I encourage you to start anew. Step into church because God loves you!
He loves to dance and sing and laugh and shout and party. Jesus’ first miracle was at a party (John 2), and his last miracle will be to come and get his people and bring them to an eternal wedding celebration and feast with all of our angel friends and family. He is the God of...
Does He give to us expecting nothing in return. People say “God expects nothing.” In relationship with God, God asks for faithfulness, faith, love, loyalty, that we listen to sound guidance, to go through His Son, and for our entire lives. God loves everyone! God is NOT in a ...
If you examine your life well, you will find many instances when God showed His unmistakable mercy to you. Trouble was brewing, but it passed you by for some reason. God delivered you. Acknowledge these and thank God, Who loves you. —Theophan the Recluse ...
I audaciously dare to call God my Father, and I will max out on his love. Matthew 7:11 If you then, imperfect as you are, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. ...
to where she had been when I was caught in the “act”. She didn’t talk to me for about 12 hours and then only said “You were right”. I almost lost my relationship with a great woman and mother-in-law but I knew she wouldn’t give a project that didn’t look good as a ...