God leads His dear children along. Though sorrows befall us and evils oppose, God leads His dear children along; Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes, God leads His dear children along. Away from the mire, and away from the clay, God leads His dear children along; Away up...
I marvel how someone could write such lyrics—about the wondrous things God has done, his blessings along the way, and countless gifts of love—all while suffering terrible hardship and grief. But I’m thankful for Martin Rinkhart’s example, demonstrating what it means to trust in the Lord...
Hebrews 11:4). Then Cain became angry at his brother Abel (who had offered the Lord an acceptable offering) and killed him. Jude says that Cain typifies a way that the “certain men” follow in. It is the way of unbelief and empty religion, which leads to jealousy, ...
“People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as t...
God created the bush and God created the people, who was Jonah to question God when the people of Nineveh repented. God gives third and sixth chances and never WANTS to punish us, as his children, whom God formed in our mother’s womb, but he does give us consequences. If Nineveh had...
Trust in what happens, you are in God's hands, He takes care of His children and gives them the best. Accept that every pain is not pain but the best and perfect for you. I can share this with you, dear soul, as a revelation for you. Thank you for setting the tone for me......
Be Empowered In Christ. Know Your Strength And Authority In Him . You are Special, Unique and Created With a God Given Purpose. Rest in His Love
love for me. Their act of service in washing my hair really shows their love for me. That leads me to reflect on a Christian’s response to God’s love. Everyday we receive God’s great love, His constant care, His salvation, His Word as light to our feet and lamp to our path,...
Jesus always leads with love. In the same way, St. Francis instructed his monks: “Preach always. When necessary, use words.” The old adage is still true: “People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Sometimes I wonder how many opportunities to share ...
Your story may not include drama and hardship, however, guarenteed, you are still a miracle. God has called you specifically to be His! Let’s rejoice in the beautiful calling He has given us, His children, to be the light of Christ in a darkened world. ...