Soon his partner became ill and had to return to base camp, then James succumbed to black water fever. He expected to die. Afterward James wrote about the vision God gave him on his sickbed—a panoramic view of the tribes of West Central Africa. God said, “Thou shalt be instrumental i...
Twitter keeps me in touch with what is happening in the world, and brings me news from the church, politics, social action etc, etc and often brings a smile or a chuckle. I love being able to enjoy a book, and be able to be directly in touch with the author to share my enjoyment...
And that God kept His promises and provided those blessings in the 19th-21st centuries. However, unless there is massive repentance, the physical blessings will be taken away from the descendants of Israel in the 21st century. And since we do NOT expect massive national repentance, we ...
designed to introduce young learners to the significant names of God or Jesus. These mini-books ignite conversations about the various attributes of God and the names of Jesus, encouraging deeper discussions and reflections on His character and promises. ...
A filmmaker we’ve admired for over a decade, Langan continues to impress, and we’re already eager for his next short, which promises to feature the unmistakable vocal talents of Reggie Watts. Filmmaker's Website LIKE TWEET Experimental Nasos Gatzoulis 18 minutes Tim of the Jungle **...
Although He never promises deliverance from our problems this side of heaven, He does walk through the fire with you. Will you trust Him? Will you want His glory more than your own happiness, peace, comfort, and pleasure? Habakkuk 3:18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in ...
Fourth, God has also exceedingly glorified his truth in this way, both in his threatenings and promises. Herein is fulfilled the threatenings of the law, wherein God said, “In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And cursed is every one that continueth not in all things ...
He promises us that He “is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). God restores our hearts if we will let Him. Jesus invites us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you...
Translation? Is there anyone that follows the Prophet and keeps the commandments who doesn’t have the Lord’s light in their lives to help them? No, definitely not. Everybody who does these things will have His light to bless them. That’s a promise. ...
His timing will be perfect also. – I used to think he was not helping me, by allowing me to go through horrible times, and get hurt. But I realized later that the hurts, sometimes big ones, were preparing me for something even worse. ...