It’s hard to get our minds around, but it is true. This is where the faith journey starts: understanding that God loves you. If you do not have an assurance of God’s love, your faith journey will not last long. Fortunately, reading the Bible can help to strengthen your faith in ...
This is common grace. God is just unloading the blessings of creation. God says — You can get married, fall in love, get married, have an intimate relationship with your spouse and create the best of life in family, in children and grandchildren. I give you all of that, and I’m no...
1. Love began with God when he created the world and us. Without Him, there would be no love in the world because it came from Him. 2. God's primary nature is to love, as shown by His rescue plan for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus is the greatest demonstr...
In the book of Joshua God would speak through him to encourage the people of Israel to not be discouraged, to not be afraid, God promises that He is with them wherever they go. In the middle of the storm, he is right there. The same is true for you and me. God is near, ready ...
Jesus is the greatest gift of all, God’s gracious offering of salvation and eternal life to humanity. Children understand that Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection are God’s ultimate expression of love and mercy toward them.
1 John 4:8 describes one of God’s primary attributes as love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Here are several key implications that this attribute of God has for believers today.
Morning prayer is powerful! Start each day with these morning prayers to seek God's protection, guidance, strength, and more. Ask God to help you live with faith, love and mercy!
artist, you may be able to tell who made it, just by looking at it. The same can be said in architecture, writing, and even cooking. When something is created personally, crafted into something new, there is a mark of the one who made it. There is a signature (sometimes literally) ...
God is love. I love that Jesus told his disciples to not be like the leaders in the world who seek to rule over others, that the greatest among them would be a servant. Jesus encouraged MUTUAL love, MUTUAL respect, and agape love (unselfish, sacrificial love). The intention was not ...
“Probably the 25% tariff is just not going to happen, because the disastrous effects that such a tariff would have would be just too much to handle,” said Juan Carlos Baker, former undersecretary of foreign trade in Mexico and part of the Mexican negotiating team for the free trade agree...