Thank you Holy Spirit for nurturing me through life’s struggles. How wonderful it is that You speak to me personally through Your Word, and that I can respond to You through the Word. Continue to teach me to spend time with You in this way and to hear Your voice speaking to me perso...
When God speaks, His chief aim is to reveal Himself. He desires to make Himself known and lead you into a more intimate relationship with Him. –Priscilla Shirer,Discerning God’s Voice,105 HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT GOD IS ACTUALLY SPEAKING TO US? He speaks in love (Jeremiah 31:3), not c...
“This grace of God is a very great, strong, mighty, and active thing. It does not lie asleep in the soul. Grace hears, leads, drives, draws, changes, works all in man, and lets itself be distinctly felt and experienced. It is hidden, but its works are evident. –Martin Luther Tha...
And yet, for all that is good in them, there are paths which can clean up the mess and the grime attached to these fantastic reveries. There is a way to drain out the dirty water of fantasy and to know what is real, and as we advance in our understanding we learn more and more a...
dialogue around the meaning of the words we use when speaking of the mystery we call GODHOME WORDS SUBSCRIBE or COMMENT ABOUT AUDIO and VIDEO links Open Search SABBATH In the Jewish tradition Sabbath is the observance of a weekly day of rest rooted in the biblical account of God's day of...
For example, in the chapter “Hearing God,” she writes, “Continual conversation with God means that there are moments when God speaks and we listen. Even though it may be scary to think of God speaking to us, it is normal and not weird.” Some of those ways include: Recurring thou...
into the church in solemn procession, with four men carrying a platform on their shoulders holding the girl-child with the Gospel in her hands. Four women led the way, their faces and their hands speaking the language of the Islands, telling us all of the reverence due to the word of ...
God was speaking through them to witness of His kingdom and His salvation through Christ, His Son. They are dead and though they still speak through their books, God is still speaking through all His children today. We have nothing new since He spoke through His Son but each of us is ...
The fact that He is good is recorded 699 times in scripture. This is one of the most important foundational truths about Him. When we understand His goodness, it puts everything else into perspective and helps us determine when He is the One speaking to us. Click here to...
For example, in January 2006, while Klaus was in Germany on a speaking tour, he met with a good friend. Klaus mentioned they needed a civil engineer to oversee the hospital construction, but the person had to be willing to serve without pay. ...