1 John 4:8 describes one of God’s primary attributes as love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Here are several key implications that this attribute of God has for believers today.
To rejoice in the God of hope, no matter our circumstances, increases our confidence in himto bring us through what we face. Such hope is like an anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19), offering stability for our lives. Nowthat’ssomething to rejoice in! I pray the following truths about ...
4.properly so called.A spider is not a true insect.auténtico,real ˈtruenessnoun verdad ˈtrulyadverb 1.really.I truly believe that this decision is the right one.verdaderamente,realmente 2.in a true manner.He loved her truly.de verdad ...
with the mass of information provided by our senses. In particular, we tend to filter sensory input according to aset of expectationsbuilt on prior beliefs and past experiences, impart meaning to ambiguous input even when there isno real meaning behind itand infer causal relationships wherenone ...
Jesus spoke of himself as “Son of Man” throughout his life (instead of claiming to be the Son of God) with us to show us that the expression really mean “He is truly Man (human)” and at the end He represents mankind as the sacrificial lamb to God for remission of ...
No, not really. It is hard enough to understand a single human being; how much harder is it to explain God, let alone a triune God! We can, should and do think about the Trinity – we theologise and theorise how God be both three and one. But ultimately, we do not find fully ...
required to sustain created beings in existence and to enable them to act; but, as every kind of Divine action ad extra is really identical with the Divine nature or essence, it follows that God is really present everywhere in creation not merely per virtutem et operationem, but per ...
Who is Dionysus? Who were the parents of Dionysus? Why is Dionysus described as being born twice? Dionysus, in Greco-Roman religion, a nature god of fruitfulness and vegetation, especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy. The occurrence of his name on a Linear B tablet (13th century ...
t necessarily approve of everything written about God. When reading the Bible, contemplate what a loving God is really like. Enjoy what God is trying to reveal to you about your Creator and how to treat others. A Book must not replace our relationship with God and common moral sense. ...
; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people" sham, feign, simulate, assume - make a pretence of; "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger"; "he feigned sleep"10.act - perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted ...