We can refuse to hoard because God is our provider. We can check in on people. “How are you? I heard you were laid off, do you need anything?” We can pray for the sick. My dad cannot go in hospitals or nursing homes right now as a Chaplain so he has been going to the parki...
our focus is on ourselves. We’re saying we’re too far gone, we’ve made too big of mistakes, but as Christians, we don’t need to fear how far gone we are or how big our mistakes are, because God, who is capable of all things is bigger than our mistakes. He can...
Do not let the sun go down on your anger.Verse 31 elaborates on this statement; it tells us to “put away” bitterness, wrath, anger, etc. Our temptation is to stew over such offenses and hurts, but God calls us to put them away–right away. Give your hurts over to God and let ...
And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking away from all that will distract, focusing our eyes on Jesus, the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity, who for the joy of accomplishing the goal set before Him endured the cro...
TheBibleis full of true stories that show us who God is. For example, for the Israelites in the desolate desert in the Old Testament, he was Provider. And at the birth of Jesus in the New Testament, he was Immanuel, “God with us.” ...
Before deliverance, we were not able to do it, but now, after deliverance, it is our responsibility to do it. The real issue lies in our minds. The devil often attacks us through our thoughts. The more we rely on our minds alone, the easier it is for him to use them against us....
Recognize that God is the ultimate provider of all our needs, both physical and spiritual.Sustainability and StewardshipUnderstand the importance of caring for creation as stewards of God's provision, ensuring its sustainability for future generations.Trust in God's CareDevelop a deeper trust in God...
Ask the Lord to fulfil verse 13 in your heart and in the heartsofmodernChinesebelievers - to give a strong sense of conviction that we shall see the goodnessof the Lordinthe land of the living. amccsm.org amccsm.org 求主将13节充满在你的心中和现代中国信徒的心中--坚定地相信我们将在活人...
Here is the truth about sin, and how God’s grace through saving faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ is given by God, to those who understand and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ… Romans 5:12… Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin...
Verse 8. - But mine eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord. I, however, the psalmist says, do not despair - I look to thee, O Jehovah the Lord (comp. Psalm 40:7) - in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. The last clause is, literally, pour not out my soul; i.e...