They had a chance to know everything dark light strength weakness perfection imperfection to understand pain but never be injured to know of sorrow but never undergo grief to fathom the human tapestry as it is woven with divine perspective from above but now, as the serpent promised they would...
The one who was, who is, and is to come! Amen. A Prayer to God, our Alpha and Omega Your word tells me that if I seek after wisdom you will provide it. So I am seeking you, the source and fountain of wisdom. You've written everything you want me to know if the pages of ...
Even though you may not understand how all the pieces are coming together, by God’s grace, you have everything you need to persevere. As Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” 10. You’re receiving wisdom: Deep biblical wisdom is being ...
I know I often talk about scripture is our trusted source for all things God, but that doesn’t diminish His awesome presence all around us. If you think back over the last two days, can you think of a way the Lord has tried to get your attention? Maybe it was the Pastor in your ...
Doe’s spouse.” To have a Biblical plan for strengthening your marriage, and for making it everything God wants it to be, it will be edifying and well worth our while to take a look at some of the Biblical “one anothers” and see if we can put them into action in our marriages....
The wound is the place where the light enters you.I could not help but think of the Canadian poet-songwriter Leonard Cohen’s lyrics:There is a crack in everything/That’s how the light gets in.Our wounds are our greatest teachers in some ways if we allow them to be. Christ offered ...
Anything God commands of us is so that our joy may be full. —Beth Moore, quoted inValues for Life Scripture presents a number of principles that contribute to our fullness of joy, including: POSITIVITY(Philippians 4:4) GRATITUDE(Psalm 126:3) ...
Our five senses help us connect with God more intimately in solitude. Many people call itQuiet Time—moments they spend with God in scripture reading/study, prayer, perhaps journaling, and/or listening to peaceful worship music. It’s in the quiet we begin toseeimportant realities of the spir...
On the other hand, some argue that God does indeed give us more than we can handle, pointing to the suffering and challenges seen throughout the Bible and in the world today. So, which is true? Does Scripture promise that God won't give us more than we can bear, or does it reveal...
This is an important detail of Scripture. First, that the wilderness came after the baptism. After Jesus made his public confession, the first thing God did to prepare Him for public ministry was lead him into the wilderness. He led Him at just the right time, when He was full of the ...