Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and...
aGod is not in heaven, he is in your heart,he is the part of kindly of your heart. Satan is not in inferno, he is the part of evil of your heart. 上帝不是在天堂,他在您的心脏,他是部分的亲切地的您的心脏。 Satan不在地域,他是您的心脏罪恶的部分。[translate]...
[Freud,] "The question is not what belief is more pleasing or more comfortable or more advantageous to life, but of what may approximate more closely to the puzzling reality that lies outside us ... to me my pessimism seems a conclusion, while the optimism of my opponents seems an a ...
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post) Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year. The printed money used for evil is coming to an end, and evil w
It is not regarded as an encroachment, at once vain and impious, on the domain of the gods, and as such encounters the steady opposition of the priests, whose reputation and influence rise or fall with those of their gods. Hence, when at a late period the distinction between religion and...
This book proposes that theology can bypass this fideism/rationalism axis by making love the basis of theology, and that in four ways: the source of the Church and its scriptures is an act of love; the evidential image on which proofs for the existence of God can be based is the love ...
This deep sea of joy is made available to us as weobeyGod–another reality that makes some bristle. They don’t realize when Christ tells us to follow God’s ways, he’s not trying to make our lives miserable. He’s showing us the way to enjoyabundance of life(John 15:9-11; John...
“To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word ‘world’.” –Arthur Schopenhauer Science can’t explain X, therefore god/theism. God of the gaps [2]. Argument from Ignorance. Simply because you or the scientific...
One way to get better acquainted with God is to read through the psalms, watch for statements pertaining to him, and write them down. That last step is important, as research has proven: writing (not typing) helps us learn and retain what we’ve written [1]. In this case it will als...
of our universal species. The Fallen Ruby Order Matrix is a phantom realm that the NAA invaders generated for themselves in metatronic reversal, using inverse coded dark matter spaces in order to masquerade as False Father Gods and live as immortals outside of the source field. These AI ...