Keep going the promise land is near. post contents Is God Speaking to You? Post Author: Christina Daniels Categories: faith , Hearing God's Voice Date Posted: October 11, 2021 Share This: About the Author: Christina Daniels Christina Daniels is the founder of Adorned Heart. She is ...
He is man; do you know how near akin He is to you, how sympathetic He is, a brother born for your adversity?" The person of Christ is a great marvel; how God and man can be in one person, it is impossible for us to tell. We believe what we cannot comprehend; and we rejoice ...
“Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience . . . without God there is a coarsening of the society; without God democracy will not and cannot long endure. . . . If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone ...
"And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, a until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, thatno prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,for prophecy never came by...
Jesus hung on the cross alone. When we are on our cross, we are alone as well. It is only then when we understand how much pain he was in. And it wasn’t just the physical pain, it is the fact that nobody cared. – Just a few people at the foot of the cross. There would ...
decisions. You know the type: those decisions that require wisdom. This kind of wisdom can only be found in Christ; wisdom we need to seek through His Word. However, Scripture is not a catalogue of “do’s and do nots” of all matters of life, but it is critical to rely on prayer...
Treasury of Scripture God is in the middle of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. God is Psalm 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God ...
A. We are to understand them as expressions of God, in condescension to the weakness of our understanding; even as the glory of heaven is expressed to us in scripture by a city, and the royal feast. These shadows are useful to us whilst we are in the body; but we shall know him in...
Another confidence-building scripture is tucked into the book of Nahum: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (1:7). If we put our minds to it, every one of us can attest to the truth of those statements, because the Lord is go...
He was a redeemer of God’s own choosing, and therefore he is called in Scripture, God’s elect (Isa. 42:1). The wisdom of choosing this person to be the redeemer, appears in his being every way a fit person for this undertaking. It was necessary that the person that is the ...