Like so many other unique Catholic doctrines, the real basis for “praying” to Mary or the “saints” is the self-proclaimed authority of the Catholic church to add to Scripture. There is no basis for this doctrine of “praying” to Mary of the “saints” found in the Bible. This is ...
reading scripture and meditating, I become less fearful. I know that it is not I who am in charge of the results, but God. I don’t have to fear because God is in control. I’m not afraid of punishment because Jesus already took my punishment for me. Now I live in the freedom fr...
Bible numbers apply to things God made (Creation) and things God said (Scripture). THEME 1 – AUTHORITY, SIN, JUDGMENT Number 1 UNITY: I Am Lord Number 2 DIVIDE: Break Number 3 BINDING: Spirit, God, Truth Number 4 MESSAGE: Field, World Number 5 WEAKNESS: Life, Child Numbe...
and their religion is worthless” (1:26). “The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It ...
"And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all." Note > Scripture in defense of the above Source of Dogma Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, Pope Leo X, 1513 A.D. -- infallible Source of DogmaSections...
'I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping' (Ps. 102:9). Evil men enjoy all the good, and good men endure all the evil. But seeing there is a God, he will deal righteously with men. 'Shall not the judge of all the earth do right' (Gen. 18:25). ...
to choose what is necessary and not what is needed. The needed will always be there. It is the necessary that will help me define and triage the needed. When I put God first, when I choose the necessary, when I spend time in His Word, in prayer, in worship – He orders my day!
审查[Judge] 书卷:哥林多前书(新约) 作者:保罗 哥林多前书10章15节:“我好像对明白人说的,你们要审查我的话。” 今日默想:信徒不要藐视先知的讲论,但要凡事察验,善美的要持守;各样的恶事要禁戒不作。我们对于任何传道人的道理教训,应当学习庇哩亚人的榜样:甘心领受这道,天天查考圣经,要晓得这道,是与不...
I search for word for scripture verses to help. I call to God and I feel like he have turn his back on us. I am not yet married. I have four kids and everything my other significant and I try he also is a born again Christian it’s like the enemy keeps battling us especially ...
But Christian leadership is always in context of Christ followership. We leader types were made this way to serve… as a particularly-shaped conduit for the dreams and plans and amazing grace of the God of the Universe, not our own. Here’s a hard truth… The leader in Scripture that ...