This is a Hal Leonard digital item that includes: This music can be instantly opened with the following apps: About "Elements Of God's Love"Digital sheet music for choir (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, bass)NOTE: Lyrics included, chord indications may be included (please check the first page...
My big takeaway from Monday’s eclipse – which hit me like an asteroid on Tuesday – is if God can create, direct, organize, orchestrate, implement, and present Monday’s magnificent eclipse then NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR HIM! Not Dave’s cancer diagnosis, our businesses, our families, our...
My heart was wounded; I was pricked in my veins B Gb B Db Nevertheless, I'm forever with thee Db Gb Db Whom else in heaven, there is none on the Earth? B Gb B Db My desire is to be with thee Bridge Gb God is the joy and the strength of my life Db He moves all pain, m...
(1 Peter 5:7) I can surrender everything that is creating anxiety in my life to the one who offers to relieve my burden. Photo by Tara Winstead “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is ...
chord progression of the song would work with the melody of 'Solid Rock.' I was so moved by how it changed the whole tone of the hymn. After all creation is undone and then remade, I will still be standing on Christ the solid rock who took my judgment day for me," LaHaie declares...
GospelKeys Organ 450 "Advanced Worship Chords & Voicings" 2-hour course is for anyone ready to explore tons of two-hand, fancy worship chords on the organ! Step-by-step, you'll explore: Extended chord voicings, polychords, inversions, two-hand combinations, worship movements, contemporary chor...
Let some other of the Blessed, one better than I am, receive the rudder of life ever renewed; let another have the course of my years--for I am weary of pitying the luckless race of suffering mankind. Is not old age enough, which blights youth, and makes a man go slow with bowed...
As soon as I said that to myself,I felt awhamand I really feel like that was the Holy Spirit just saying to me, “Okay, this is the plan.” And the idea was basically, “Look, you’ve been a student of disruptive innovation your entire career. Why don’t you disrupt your...
My day to day life is in the very capable hands of the God of the universe. I knew this intellectually, but it took a total eclipse for it to finally hit home. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in His path of totality. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies ...
My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day May brighter, fairer be. O Joy, that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain ...