有一位神 There is a God 詞:萬美蘭 Marlene Wan 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu © 1995 Stream of Praise Music/BMI. CCLI: 3520053 讚美之泉版權所有 [Verse 1] 有一位神 有權能創造宇宙萬物 也有溫柔雙手安慰受傷靈魂 有一位神 有權柄審判一切罪惡 也有慈悲體貼人的軟弱 [Chorus] 有一位神 我們的神 唯...
He is the One who’s been my hope and confidence since my youth (v. 5). I’ve been a Jesus-follower since age four. Never have I toyed with the idea of abandoning my faith in him, because I learned early on from the saints around me: God is a good and loving Father There is...
“What we do have is a perfect God who is able to lead us through this imperfect life with unfailing strength, infallible wisdom, and infinite love”—Unknown. Praise God for his attentive participation in our lives! He is the One who’s done great things. Who is like You, God(v. 19...
The next few verses help us to understand why this “sin offering” is more about purification than atonement. The blood is not just shed (although it is) and not just applied to the altar (although it is), but look at the specific instructions that are given so that the Tabernacle and...
Hymn Book|Kid’s Songbook|CD|CD Player|Guitar|Piano|Headphones|Sound System|Portable Bible Player|Bible|Sunday School Supplies|Computer|Mobile Phone 这个赞美诗网站是在疫情封控的2020年末建立的,网站的创立是为了鼓励隔离在家的朋友及安慰有身体疾病和精神疾病的友人。我们盼望这些历世历代的赞美诗歌能给各地的...
In 1971, director John-Michael Tebelak provided Schwartz with hymn lyrics before he wrote the song. Thus the lyrics came from Hymn #138 from the 1940 Episcopal Hymnal. The inspired original music by Stephen Schwartz spun off the lyrics and what he had seen of the show when it was performed...
For you I'll sing the hymn Night, tonight And day, today Been given the blessing Therefore for you Can't you understand The clouds are the sun Been given the blessing Therefore for you Can't you understand The sun is the sun End came attracting Attractive figure For you I'll sing the...
“Over mountains steep, or on the stormy sea . . .”My husband’s father, Tom Mitchell, sang this hymn to the congregation at his last church service the evening before before he shipped out to England and then on to Germany in WWII, leaving behind a wife and two daughters. Fortunately...
The hymn “Kneeling in Penitence” is a heartfelt prayer acknowledging human weaknesses, owning up to failures, and seeking pardon. It was written by Generals John Gowans and John Larson of The Salvation Army. The hymn is often sung by young Salvationists while their leader kneels in penitence...
t use the same words, or language. Maybe they don’t speak churchese. But the Triune God demands, demands for us to draw the circle wide. There’s hymn “Draw the Circle Wide” with lyrics by Gordon Light and arrangement by Mark Miller in United Methodist Worship & Song Hymnbook 3154...