Scripture offers perfect comebacks against such lies. One example I turn to often: Think about the parent-toddler relationship. The child is weak and needy but Dad understands her limitations; he’s ready to lovingly help and guide. It’s the same in our relationship with God. And I have ...
Like so many other unique Catholic doctrines, the real basis for “praying” to Mary or the “saints” is the self-proclaimed authority of the Catholic church to add to Scripture. There is no basis for this doctrine of “praying” to Mary of the “saints” found in the Bible. This is ...
this is an emotion-filled, impactful way to study Scriptures. Julie Lessman covers many real life topics, first with a “real story” based on her experience, then the “novel story” where she shares passages from her novels, followed by the “Scripture story” citing applicable Bible ...
Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and
For nothing ought to be posited without areasongiven, unless it isself-evidentorknown by experienceor proved bythe authority of Sacred Scripture.[32] 显然,对于他而言,神的话语就是终极的 reason 之来源。 参考 ^William Lane Craig 本人的论述可参考
reading scripture and meditating, I become less fearful. I know that it is not I who am in charge of the results, but God. I don’t have to fear because God is in control. I’m not afraid of punishment because Jesus already took my punishment for me. Now I live in the freedom fr...
And so he repeats, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” And in case they still don’t get it (which they don’t!), he concludes, “This bread is my flesh! I will give it for the life of the world!” And how do ...
"This is the verdict," comes next in the sentence. We are carried by John into the courtroom, where we are on trial--a familiar image throughout Scripture. The verdict is "guilty," and the sentence is death. This is the nature of the peril that forms the backdrop for John's good ...
Gallery Posted onSeptember 1, 2019 We do not have empirical research directly verifying the effectiveness of the Immanuel Approach, but carefully documented case studies show consistent, strong positive results. There is also indirect support for the effectiveness of the Immanuel Approach, based on sim...
This need so many of us have to constantly seek out new types of self care reminds me of the Scripture:Seek the Lord while he may be found.(Isaiah 55:6) There is absolutely a time and a place for this kind of spiritual quest, but if I’m being honest, there are times when I’...