I know I often talk about scripture is our trusted source for all things God, but that doesn’t diminish His awesome presence all around us. If you think back over the last two days, can you think of a way the Lord has tried to get your attention? Maybe it was the Pastor in your ...
Fasting is a way for us to disrupt our daily rhythms and set our minds on things above where our true satisfaction comes from. Fasting is a way for us to shift our focus so we are not dependent on bread for life, but instead are dependent on the bread of life. It is a way for u...
God is always fighting for us, and Jesus is always interceding for us. Nothing we face do we face alone. As humans, it is easy to let our emotions get the upper hand and our minds to be troubled robbing us of the sweet rest that is found in our Lord and Savior. I find comfort ...
5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us[b]? 6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”[c] 7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resis...
It is a very important event and is talked about all over in Scripture. All Christians must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, and it is there we will answer for what we have done in the body, whether good or bad. As we look at this parable of Jesus, remember that eternal ...
Soldiers fighting a fierce enemy need safety, a place to go to rest and not fear. This is the type of refuge the Lord provides. When we are weary from the fight, whatever that may be, God is there to offer us rest and safety from the enemy. He will not let us fall. Another ...
–Use scripture to become a powerful prayer warrior. –Cultivate a hunger for God’s Word. –Dig deeper into Hebrew and Greek meanings, to gain greater insight. –Encounter God’s heart for you. This workshop is $30.* This is a recorded, emailed workshop that you can watch at your ow...
We hear that her Joseph was sleeping when the angel appeared to him … Scripture just doesn’t tell us about Mary. But you can see the pattern with me, can’t you? It seems she was most likely doing what she did every day.Living her ordinary life.Only, God didn’t find it so ...
I just took my power walk and recited that scripture, then Sat down with a cup of coffee and read your blog for today. There is nothing more powerful than the word of God. Reply StoneGable says: Amen, Patricia! Reply Judy Darweesh says: Thank you, so much!! God bless you, ...
anxiety fear dread delivered from the spirt of darkness into his glorious light we thank you Jesus for fighting for us day night may we continue to speak these words over my life my husband my marriage each one of my family members right now as Moses Said to pharoah the great I am ...