Scripture offers perfect comebacks against such lies. One example I turn to often: Think about the parent-toddler relationship. The child is weak and needy but Dad understands her limitations; he’s ready to lovingly help and guide. It’s the same in our relationship with God. And I have ...
I know I often talk about scripture is our trusted source for all things God, but that doesn’t diminish His awesome presence all around us. If you think back over the last two days, can you think of a way the Lord has tried to get your attention? Maybe it was the Pastor in your...
Praise God, I often feel like singing and I can’t get enough of His presence that comes with the joy that He gives me. But, even when I don’t feel like singing or praising God, He can give me back that joy. When sadness threatens to overtake me, I can still go out in joy a...
What I value is progress, and rest assured, thatisoccurring. Think back to the days when you experienced great difficulty practicing My presence. Your thoughts rarely turned toward Me once your morning quiet time was over—unless you ran into trouble. Now you come to Me much more frequently,...
The Christological Shape of Scripture Many books have been written about Jesus who should be God. In any case, the way of thinking of such speakers provides enough material to think about. It is therefore not bad to go through some of their writings and see where they go wrong. Below we...
This need so many of us have to constantly seek out new types of self care reminds me of the Scripture:Seek the Lord while he may be found.(Isaiah 55:6) There is absolutely a time and a place for this kind of spiritual quest, but if I’m being honest, there are times when I’...
Scripture says, God’s response to our confession is both faithful and just. He is faithful, meaning He will always forgive as He has promised. He is just, because Jesus Christ has already paid the penalty for our sins. This divine forgiveness is complete, covering every aspect of our sinf...
Scripture tells us that the “types” we see on earth are based upon the real things in heaven. The true Ark of the Covenant has always been in heaven by the Throne of God. It is a reminder of His Covenant to His people. It appears in Revelation 11:19 as the seventh angel has ...
After her conversation with Jesus at the well, Scripture says the woman “left her jar beside the well” (v. 28) and ran back to the village, telling everyone to come and see Jesus, to taste and see that He was good. She left what she had brought to carry her water in, because ...
This according to a Christian author who is shining the light on the hidden content of Scripture. The line in question is from the beginning of the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John where it states: “On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was ...