Readings that have helped to shape my understanding of God's will in my life. I hope they help you too. Read more » Bible Memory for All’s three keys to memorizing Scripture Understanding:One of the keys to remembering something is to understand it. If you try to memorize a random ...
God Will Judge All Nations - This is what the Lord says: “The skies are my throne. The earth is my footstool. So do you think you can build a house
I spiral downwards a bit. I want to be charitable but my energy is such that I cannot always be. This will be a task to focus on in the coming weeks and months. Service is one way to practice love and so as long as I have breath, I hope to serve in whatever ways...
andI lookamong these and there is no counselor, that[af]I might ask them and they might answer a word. 29Look! All of themaredeception; their worksarenothing; their imagesarewind and emptiness. Lexham English Bible(LEB) 2012 byLogos Bible Software. Lexham is a registered trademark ofLogos...
Hear O Israel: Jehovah our God is the one Lord.【译】以色列人啊,听着:我们的神Jehovah是独一的主。【单词】Lord 名词 [lɔːd] n. 上帝;主 You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.【译】你要用你的心、你的灵魂、你的...
Finding Faith in Life’s Valleys December 9, 2024, posted inBible Study,Christian Life,God,Uncategorized The valley is a place of the unknown. The future is unknown. The next step to take has yet to be discovered. The reason for being in the valley is unknown. The unknown causes us to...
Bible Christ Life Christian Living Christmas Eternal Life Faith God's Word Holy Spirit Homosexuality Jesus Kingdom Leadership Marriage Men Ministry Miscellaneous Prayer Sin Thanksgiving The Body of Christ The Gospels Wisdom Blog Credits Graphics and Logo by:Meraki Designs...
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible,” Jesus said in Matthew 19:26. Throughout the Bible, God’s people accomplish unfathomable tasks. At first, one might credit the main characters with victory, but the power comes from t
Introduction:When your mom is going to make a nice dessert, she usually gathers quite a few ingredients. If you were to taste each ingredient, would they all taste the same?No, and in fact some of them might taste really strange, and some of them really bad! But when your mom mixes ...
aThe Bible addresses sin wherever it is found. Every culture has elements that fall short of God’s truth and need to be changed. Multiculturalism is not blind acceptance of everything different, but a biblically-bred tolerance of people from all backgrounds with the goal of banding together un...