God is trying to get your attention. This is an imperative, a command from God Himself. He wants you to pay attention so you don’t miss an opportunity to connect more fully with Him. Are you looking for God in your world? I know I often talk about scripture is our trusted source ...
Key Scripture: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13 Photo Credit:Unsplash/Greg RakozyWhat Does it Mean that God is Alpha? Revelations 1:8, (NIV) tells us, “I am the Alpha and Omega,” says the Lord God, “who ...
We come to a discussion of the attributes of God. The problem that faces us at the outset is that of the relation of the virtues or attributes of God to his Being. In dealing with distinctions in the Godhead, we must needs be careful not to do despite to the simplicity of his Being...
Everything God does is motivated by love. This is seen throughout Scripture, from His creation of the world to the redemption offered through Jesus Christ. For example, John 3:16 says that God sent His Son, Jesus, because He loves us so much. Romans 5:8 tells us that Jesus died for...
Scripture tells us that the “types” we see on earth are based upon the real things in heaven. The true Ark of the Covenant has always been in heaven by the Throne of God. It is a reminder of His Covenant to His people. It appears in Revelation 11:19 as the seventh angel has ...
Scripture offers perfect comebacks against such lies. One example I turn to often: Think about the parent-toddler relationship. The child is weak and needy but Dad understands her limitations; he’s ready to lovingly help and guide. It’s the same in our relationship with God. And I have ...
This is the psalm … Mary to God from her Magnificat (Luke 1:46, 48, 49) My soul magnifies the Lord; For he has looked with favor upon his handmaid’s lowliness from now on all generations shall call me blessed The poetry of Scripture echoes from age to age ...
Paul links back to our second principle –“they gave as much as they were able” (v3) but also highlights that they gave “even beyond their ability”. This is how the Old Testament principle of tithing 10% is transformed into giving even ‘more than we are able’. Paul also notes ...
Scripture Verses used are from the King James Version of the Bible Archived in: Christian Reads Share this: Share It’s A Heart On Fire February 22, 2025 Christian Reads My heart is overwhelmed with a desire I will try to describe. ...
Rome wrongly teaches that, after death, believers may need to be cleansed and purified from the temporal consequences of sins to have the holiness necessary to enter heaven.The truth is that scripture says believershave already beenreconciled to God and have peace with him, because he has declar...