Teach me Thy will, O God. It is to live by the Scriptures. Satan is the Great Pretender. He uses the Democratic Party for his agenda. This election will determine if America survives or is engulfed in a One-World Government. It is part of the globalist agenda. ...
exultation of soul. God, in this method of dealing with the souls of his elect, consults their happiness, as well as his own glory. And it increases happiness, to be made sensible of their misery and unworthiness, before God comforts them. For their comfort, when they receive it, is s...
" (Luke 11:13.) The comparing of these two scriptures evidently proves, that in praying for the Holy Spirit, we pray virtually for all good things; and that when God is graciously pleased to communicate his Spirit, he communicates all good things. When the Father gives his Son, he ...
What scriptures did he share? The Bible doesn’t tell us. But perhaps Jesus included such examples as these: 1.“They conspire against me and plot to take my life” (Psalm 31:13b). Fulfillment: “Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill ...
God [is] waiting in the depths of my being to speak to me if I would only be still enough to hear His voice. –A. B. Simpson, quoted inStreams in the Desert,255 To those willing to sit in silence. Silence is the room we create for the searching of God, ...
He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Memorize those scriptures and let the power of God's presence and love change the way you think and feel. ...
Be sure of this, that God increases His grace in that He gives you power to persevere in it. God helped you or you would have been tossed about like poor wretches at your wits’ end. God had promised to take care of you and to guide you continually till you have come to the end ...
Thiel quotes several scriptures that point to the reason we find “terror within” and shines the light on the answer to turn the terror into peace. Here is a link to our video: The City is Full of Violence. The problem is moral decline and lack of proper fear of God. This has ...
The evangelist increases the quantity of people in the church; the pastor-teacher increases the quality.[7] Just as with the other three Foremen, the pastor-teacher’s job is vitally important. If the pastor-teacher fails to instruct the people of God about the Word of God, those ...
While our Lord and the holy Scriptures desire compassion and mercy, the precepts of men are generally designed to control and oppress the innocent. In another passage (Mark 7:1-13) Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13, “But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.”...