During the Chinese New Year, known as Spring Festival in the country, one of the most popular greetings is 恭喜发财,which translates as ‘Wishing you Prosperity and Wealth’. How did this greeting come about? Who is the Chinese God of Wealth? When do Chinese people welcome this propitious ...
In Hebrew culture, blessings and curses were powerful expressions of one's standing before God and the community. "Cursing" (קְלָלָה, qelalah) and "horror" (שַׁמָּה, shammah) indicate a state of desolation and fear. "Condemnation" and "reproach" ...
In Hebrew culture, repeating a name can indicate urgency or deep affection. This highlights the gravity of the moment and the personal nature of God's call. 'Here I am,' he repliedAbraham's response is immediate and willing. The Hebrew phrase (הִנֵּנִי, hineni) ...
“Hebrew, Beloved of God”: The Adamic Language in the Thought of Jacob, Bishop of Edessa (c. 633–708 CE) was published in Hebrew between Jews and Christians on page 49.
He is EL ‘ELYON. . .God in Hebrew. . .IS GOD TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE AND SUPREMACY, “THE EXTREMELY-EXALTED, SOVEREIGN, HIGH GOD” . BUT God in all His EXCELLENCE desires to be with us. God is revealed in the fullness of His Love His Joy, His Life, His Perfection in Einstein’s...
The problem with Genesis 5 is that these proper names are not translated for the reader from their Hebrew meanings, so you have to unravel these by digging into the meaning of the Hebrew roots that make up the names. Adam:(adomah) “man” ...
Hebrew, Greek and Roman Values in Ancient and Medieval Literary Works of specific interest, and which concern morality in the context of war, are those that argue for and against putting the Mitylene ... premier EPICTETUS AND NIETZSCHE: VIEWS AND EXPERIENCE to combine rational and irration...
the ancient Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples culture among its members and throughout the Earth, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and carve for ourselves, and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and womanhoodandGod’spurpose in ...
” Well, it is a big deal if it fundamentally misunderstands who God is and is also not respectful of God. A lot of other people have made this observation, but I feel like I should make the observation as well. When we live in a culture, especially those on the far Catholic left ...
The ancient Jews liked to speak in concrete images and had a love for the figurative and metaphorical. So we uncover a clue to the original meaning of glory by looking at its Hebrew root. The word “glory” comes from the Hebrew word for “weightiness.” ...