But, despite his endless strength and capacity to throw you like a baseball, he’s only human. I force distance between us, quickly firing explosive arrows to knock him out of his attack pattern and open up a window to bury my blade into his back. The Staglord proves a real ...
Dragon HP x 1.3; Demon Attack x 1.3; Elf Recovery x 1.3. Extend Runestone-moving time by 0.5 second for every Beast present in the Team. When there are 4 or more Races in the Team, all Attributive Runestones also possess 50% effect of other Attributive Runestones....
“Despite some single player shortcomings, Dragon Ball FighterZ really comes into its element once you take the game online and start battering your friends. Or just some random lobby dwellers. For Dragon Ball fans, this is a love letter to the franchise. For fighting game fans, this is the...
Valkyrie Elysium is an enjoyable action RPG packed full of combos and upgrades, but the boring levels and story detract from the fun.
Become Humandemo did a great job making sure the stakes were high enough that I cared about my choices. I was thinking and rethinking my dialogue options, and the intensity of the situation made the attached time limit stressful (in a good way). Like many real negotiations, it’s not alw...