deification; the elevation of a person to godhood. See alsohonors and regalia. Atenism the monotheistic religious system of the Egyptian pharaoh Ikhnaton, emphasizing the worship of the sun god Aten (Aton). atheism the absolute denial of the existence of God or any other gods. —atheist,n....
Because the word of the Lord was made to me a reproach and a derision daily. Then I said, 'I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name.' But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; ...
Being made in God's image implies a purpose to reflect His character and attributes.It includes a responsibility to steward creation and live in a way that honors God.Identity and ValueOur identity is rooted in being God's image-bearers, not in societal status or achievements.This truth ...
We might not be in a position to preach from the rooftops, but we can do our part to pray that we would be restored to a nation who honors God and His word, knowing that He hears us and that we have those things that we ask of Him. And we can watch our mouth and declare the...
His Word also contains the complete record of His self-revelation to us. In the Bible, God has shown us a lot of His names by simply telling us what they are outright–names like “I am the Lord” or “I am God Almighty.” But when we read these verses in which God just outright...
Transcribe a Bible verse(s) each day in your prayer journal. Transcribing Bible verses honors God and aids in your meditative focus and memorization. When referring back to your prayer journal, your transcribed Bible verses reinforce God’s Word and His promises as they are revealed to you in...
God's reference to the patriarchs underscores His commitment to His promises. Believers can trust in God's faithfulness to His word, as demonstrated through His dealings with Israel.God's Personal RelationshipBy identifying Himself as the God of specific individuals, God emphasizes His personal ...
The father honors his son’s soul-crushing request. The prodigal squanders his father’s wealth. In trying to find himself outside his father’s home, he finds himself lost, miserable, and bankrupt. So, he decides to drag himself back home and beg his father to give him a job as a ...
Taking God at His Word.We especially need to know that His Word is truer than how we feel when the negative hits. How much faith does the Lord say it takes to deal with situations? What’s the smallest denomination of faith? Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith ...
5. “God is a God of systems and predictability and order, and God honorsplanning.”– Andy Stanley 6. “I think God is perfect, all-powerful and has an unstoppable plan for everyone, including those who love him and those who don’t.”– Kirk Cameron ...