For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13, CSB God calls us to rest, and one of those ways is to rest from anxiety and fear. Trust God, and honor His call by resting in Him. ...
Isaiah 41:10 says: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Are you afraid of anything? I’m afraid of answering machines. You know, when you are all re...
slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing. 3 And now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.” 4 And the Lord said, “Is it right for you to be angry?” 5 Then Jonah...
Maybe your season of stillness means actively serving and being faithful with where God has you right now, or maybe your season of stillness means God is literally telling you to stop, slow down, and “be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10). Maybe you’ve been working too ...
We want to keep on God’s right hand – his hand of power and protection – we do not want to fall under God’s wrath. Instead, walk in God’s ways – the way of love, of justice and mercy. Featured image from
James and John came to Jesus saying, “Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask. And He said to them, What do you want Me to do for you? They said to Him, Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory” (Mark 10:35...
Have you lost sight of Him in the crowd and you’re feeling completely alone? Have you felt like you actually could reach your goal, but you just turned a corner, and saw insurmountable “stairs” ahead? He sees you. He’s right at your side. Take your white knuckled hand off of yo...
Another confidence-building scripture is tucked into the book of Nahum: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (1:7). If we put our minds to it, every one of us can attest to the truth of those statements, because the Lord is go...
First, since God has revealed that he reserves the right to alter his plans, even after he’s decreed them (Jer. 18:6–10), and since Scripture offers us numerous illustrations of God doing just this, even after he’s made what seemed to be “inviolable” pronouncements, one wonders how...
God is the great superintendent of the world, he holds the golden reins of government in his hand, guiding all things most regularly and harmoniously to their proper end. Who that eyes Providence but must be forced to acknowledge there is a God? Providence is the queen and governess of the...