that when the Messiah comes, only the Israelites, the peculiar favourites of God, shall share in the blessings that come by, and with him; and that the Gentiles shall reap no advantage by him, being hated of God, and rejected of him: but I tell you, God has so loved the Gentiles, ...
Every day, no matter how I look or feel, whether I’m upbeat or melancholy, conquering or struggling, I can walk with dignity, knowing God Himself has clothed me with His splendour. It can be the same for you too—if you put your hope in Him. Regardless of how anyone else may view...
I believe as Christians none of us like going through trials. However, what the words of God teach us is the times of severest trial have always been seasons of blessing to the people of God. The more fiercely the fires of persecution burn the stronger has faith waxed. So, too, it sh...
Where will you spend the endless eternity? If you haven't been justified by faith in Jesus Christ you could die and drop straight into hell at any moment of the day or night. That's the truth. It's the sheer mercy and loving kindness of God that He has k
Why has Christ set us free? The answer is right here in this verse; “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free”. Jesus has set us free for our… FREEEEEEEEDOM!!! Jesus proclaimed and fullfilled the prophecy of Isaiah when He read: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, beca...
I have seen people roll their eyes, or raise their brows when during conversation I say something like, “…and the Lord told me…” I suspect that many Christians have never actually heard the Lord speak. The reason, however, is not that He hasn’t spoken to them–He has spoken and ...
For me, here’s what I’ve found being a good steward of my body actually means. I imagine it has to be a group of things that connects you to Him rather than separates you from Him, so here are some things I’ve realized for myself over the past couple years: ...
that when the Messiah comes, only the Israelites, the peculiar favourites of God, shall share in the blessings that come by, and with him; and that the Gentiles shall reap no advantage by him, being hated of God, and rejected of him: but I tell you, God has so loved the Gentiles, ...